
There are many aspects of motherhood that cause guilt. There’s being stressed and snapping orders to your three year old, not always getting to go on school field trips with your second grader, and there is the ever popular not being able to afford certain luxuries you teenaged daughter wishes she had. Take these examples and then throw being a working mother in the mix. You will have the perfect recipe for guilt. Go a little further and be a mother who works from home and the guilty entrée just got really spicy.

There is a remedy for food that is too spicy and thus there is a cure for the guilt you feel for what you might perceive to be shortcomings as a parent.

First you need to be assured women who work outside the home also share in the majority of things you feel guilty about. There is a simple factor that magnifies work at home mom’s positions – the kids (and the world) see you are home and may not understand why you can’t bake cookies for the class, or come eat lunch with them everyday.

Explaining to children, even toddlers, that working from home means just that, you are working, and that you take your employment very seriously is one way to help them understand your position. Let them know it is the same as any other job where a person leaves the home, commutes, and comes home at five. Add the fact that you are much closer for them if there is an emergency at school or if the babysitter is not feeling well, etc. Kids are resilient and understanding by nature. They will feel safer knowing how your world works and where they stand in it.

Certainly if you were to weigh the wonderful blessing that working at home allows you to share with your family they far outweigh the bad stuff.

About the Author: Wendy Wood is a mother of two boys ages 3 and 1 who operates various web sites for the work at home mom from her home office. All WAHM – http://www.AllWAHM.com