
February. The month we look to the people in our life we are the closest to and tell them how much we love them. The foundation of great personal and professional relationships lies in understanding yourself, understanding others, and realizing the impact of personal behavior on others. When I work on improving relationships of any kind with my clients, I use an assessment called DiSC©.

For over thirty years, DiSC© Classic has unlocked the door to productive communication and relationships for over 40 million people throughout its DiSC© Dimensions of Behavior learning approach.

Set the Standard for Self-Understanding
DiSC Dimensions of Behavior provide a nonjudgmental language for exploring behavioral issues across four primary dimensions:

  • Dominance: Direct and Decisive. D’s are strong-willed, strong-minded people who like accepting challenges, taking action, and getting immediate results.
  • Influence: Optimistic and Outgoing. i’s are ‘people people’ who like participating on teams, sharing ideas, and energizing and entertaining others.
  • Steadiness: Sympathetic and Cooperative.S’s are helpful people who like working behind the scenes, performing in consistent and predictable ways, and being good listeners.
  • Conscientiousness: Concerned and Correct. C’s are sticklers for quality and like planning ahead, employing systematic approaches, and checking and rechecking for accuracy.

Which one are you? Are you a combination?

Bring Out the Best in Your Personal Relationships
DiSC Classic can help you:

  • understand your own behavior
  • learn how and when to adapt your behavior
  • improve communication
  • reduce conflict

Is your spouse or partner the same style as you? Would knowing this help your relationship?

Bring Out the Best in Your Real Estate Team
DiSC Classic can help team members at all levels:

  • understand their own behavior
  • learn how and when to adapt their behavior
  • improve communication
  • promote appreciation of differences
  • enhance individual and team performance
  • reduce conflict

‘DiSC has really helped understand our team dynamics and how to use our strengths most effectively.’ – Angela May

Are there differences amongst your team members? Would understanding these similarities and differences improve the culture of your team?

Give Your Agents and Customer Service Employees a Competitive Edge

DiSC Classic is proven to help sales professionals:

  • create and maintain relationship-based sales
  • identify their customers’ DiSC styles and adapt their selling or support styles
  • accordingly
  • stay focused on customer needs
  • manage difficult customer service situations

‘Knowing how to read people’s DiSC style has helped me be able to adapt my own style while working with them to more effectively communicate in the sales process.’ – Tania Carlson

How would knowing a client’s style help your team?

For more information on how DiSC may help you improve your personal and professional relationships, check out the eBrochures located at http://www.nextlevelservices.net/disc/index.htm .

Knowledge is Power. By knowing more about yourself and others, you can reduce conflict, understand differences and take your business and personal relationships to the Next Level.

Real Estate and Life Coach Cheri Alguire has partnered with hundreds of Real Estate Professionals to help them become more successful in business and in life. Coach Cheri is also the creator of the highly sought-after Five Year Business and Life Planning Guide for Real Estate Professionals. Learn more about this and Coach Cheri’s other products and services atwww.NextLevelServices.net.