
The Working Mother Groove

It’s too bad that working motherhood doesn’t come with an instruction manual. If it did, you’d have an answer to the elusive question: how can I achieve work+life balance? Instead you look with admiration (and maybe even envy) at other working moms...

Happy Mother’s Day!

I received an email from a special mother I know and want to pass it on to all you Real Estate Moms out there. Have a Very Happy Mother’s Day!  Coach Cheri – the Real Estate Moms Coach Mothers This is for the mothers who have sat up all night with sick toddlers in...

Real Estate Moms – Fantastic Article!

I came across this article, and it made me proud to know that single women are becoming more independent than ever before, AND smarter in knowing how important the investment aspect of owning Real Estate is. Way to go single women everywhere! ~ Coach Cheri More Single...